
Hi there, it seems like you're looking to find out a bit about me!

Well, my name is Neve, I'm a Pittburgh based visual artist graduating from Carnegie Mellon in 2023. I have a cat (Willow) and two African Dwarf Frogs (Sybalious and Scooter) and a whole bunch of plants... I think it shows, because, despite not being the most outdoorsy Vermonter, you can see nature inspired shapes and themes throughout my work (as well as inspiration from sci-fi like Star Trek, lots of fantasy, and maybe some magical realism too). Apart from some regular themes, my work runs the gamut from photography, to 3d books, to digital illustration. If you're only here for a moment make sure to check out Phipps, and Comics.

If you're looking to contact me about something professional you can send me an email at nevemonand@gmail.com, download my resume here, or check out the portfolio and commission tabs.

website copyright Neve Monroe-Anderson 2022